Lightarian™ AngelLinks



Lightarian™ AngelLinks – 5 Attunements – Teacher Training

This set of AngelLinks helps you to link even more closely with the angels. The Lightarian™ AngelLinks are five high vibrational attunements that are placed permanently within your energy field to allow you to create a closer and more positive link with angelic beings.

All of the AngelLinks are passed on in the form of meditations (attunements). You must receive the Rose Aura first but then you can take the other four archangelic attunements in any order you wish. As Rose Aura is the pre-requisite for the other four attunements this is being offered as a package rather than as individual attunements. 

Seraph Rose Aura AngelLink

Seraph Rose Aura is the “Lightarian Doorway” into the energetic level of the other Archangels and is the prerequisite for receiving any of the other four Archangel AngelLinks.

Seraph Rose Aura ‘s AngelLink From the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim, a Seraph by the name of Rose Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via her AngelLink connection with you, an “angelic flame of unconditional love” will be placed into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your “etheric background” as an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters of the heart…especially the expansion of unconditional love of self and others. 

Archangel Michael’s AngelLink
Through this AngelLink connection, Archangel Michael will work “in your etheric background” to provide ongoing support for you in creating non-judgment in all areas of your life. He will also focus on assisting you in successfully navigating within the etheric realms via telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel, etc. Michael was the first Archangel to step forward to offer his AngelLink. 

Archangel Uriel’s AngelLink
Archangel Uriel has stepped forward to provide us with an infusion of angelic beauty that will allow you to experience the “feminine side of beauty” through a heightened sense of appreciation and the masculine side of beauty through the stimulation of your talents for creative expression. Through this AngelLink connection, Uriel can help stimulate your creativity and inspiration for artistic expression in its many forms. 

Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink
Archangel Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and divine healing. He will assist you in moving more courageously through life and will help to light your way into the future. Also, with Raphael’s assistance via this AngelLink, you will be able to more effectively avoid the challenges and hurdles of life nd also more clearly see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that lay ahead. Archangel Raphael’s AngelLink will also provide support for you in your healing process. He is known as the “divine healer” and will help you discover the “divine healer” within yourself.  

Archangel Gabriel’s AngelLink
Archangel Gabriel’s focus is on joy and communications! Through this AngelLink, he teaches us to take time to recognize and experience the existing joys that abound for us and to manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our day-to-day lives. Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So, he is especially able to help you with inner communications for accessing your “personal knowing and intuition”, as well as to provide practical support for effective communications in your outer, day-to-day life. 

Once you have received your attunements you will be registered with Lightarian Institute. You will then be able to pass the attunements onto your own students. 


Please note this will not be an instant download and receiving your manual may take a few days as they have to be ordered directly from the Lightarian™ Institute.



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