Angel Stones Empowerment Reiki



The Angel Stone system, founded by Ole Gabrielsen, the founder of many powerful energy systems, including Kundalini Reiki, Orb of Life, Telos, Ethereal Crystals (you can find these in the links at the side) and many more!

The founder says: “When wearing an Angel Stone, a special assigned angel is constantly in your energy field, providing you with the energy you need. It balances, heals and protects you. It feels very gentle and soothing. The angel works on our blocks and helps us to stay balanced and more focused on beauty and joy. It lifts our spirit!”

The Angel Stone system can be used during healing treatments for the self and others, to effect a raising of the energy vibration within a room, to prepare ‘love structured’ water and for many other purposes; this is a safe system for your own experimentation; a wonderful energy to work with.

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